Billy Elliot Dances Its Heart Out, Distracting from a Thin Plot by Mabel Weismann
If you’re not familiar with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, miners’ strikes or northern England’s historical events, best study up before you watch Billy Elliot. History plays a central part in this show, one of The West End’s most successful musicals. Like Hamilton, knowledge of the history surrounding the plot is helpful to understanding the story. Billy Elliot’s story began on screen in a 2000 film and was adapted into a musical in 2005. Both are from the same creative team — the musical adds songs by Elton John and choreography by Peter Darling . The show returned to the screen in 2014, this time filmed as a live musical at Victoria Palace Theatre in London. Billy Elliot is set in Northern England during the miners’ strike of 1984— the town is out of work and, it seems, out of hope. Billy accidentally attends a girls’ ballet class after his weekly, despised boxing class— and discovers a deep passion and incredible talent for dance that becomes a glimmer of hop...