Peculiar, Amusing, or Laughable - by Axel Duke

 Axel Duke

Funny Girl

Peculiar, Amusing, or Laughable

Funny Girl is the quintessential Post Golden Age musical. Funny Girl is defined in equal part by its innovations upon the Golden Age formula, and its inability to free itself from the expectations of the Golden Age formula. But unlike how Funny Girl struggled to free itself from the shackles of the golden age, the 2023 US Tour of Funny Girl triumphs over the expectations of its predecessors.

The Post Golden Age can be most easily defined as the bridging era between the Golden Age, and the Pre-Contemporary Era of Broadway. Funny Girl stands as that bridge. It perfectly encapsulates the stylings of the Golden Age, while also displaying the first inklings of the high concepts and power ballads that would grow to define the Pre Contemporary Era. The 2023 US Tour of Funny Girl has managed to build out and reinforce the bridge between the eras its predecessor acted as by fully embracing both what the original Funny Girl was succeeding and what succeeded it. 

Funny Girl loosely follows the life of Fanny Brice and her subsequent rise to stardom as a singer/comedian during the Roaring Twenties. Yet the story of Funny Girl acts less as a driving factor of the show, and more as a vehicle for character vignettes displaying the numerous talents of the cast. And believe you me, the cast is talented. 

Every rendition of Funny Girl has, by necessity, been jam-packed with skilled performers, but the incredible theatrical genius of this most recent revival can only be described as transcendental.

Izaiah Montaque Harris’s Eddie Ryan displays an impeccable mastery of tap dance that is rivaled only by the likes of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly; and whenever his taps collided with the floor the audience couldn't help but remain petrified in amazement.

Stephen Mark Lukas’s Nick Arnstein was the perfect charmer. An obviously volatile character, but also subtly manipulative, and devilishly alluring. Mr. Lukas had a truly hypnotic personality, which drew in the audience in like a magnet. 

Katerina McCrimmon’s Fanny Brice was the perfect mixture of impressionable and headstrong with a voice as powerful as a maestro. Her performance was truly enrapturing, and a strong contender for best portrayal of Fanny Brice.

But performances this good are impossible without the people behind the scenes. Susan Hilferty has created costumes that are both stunningly timeless, and perfectly era-appropriate; every single character is dressed to the nines, and the incredible amount of effort shows front and center. Similarly, the choreography by Ellenore Scott and tap choreography by Ayodele Casel perfectly showcase the talents of the cast, while never overstaying their welcome. 

The 2023 US Touring Production of Funny Girl is a proud successor of the 68’ classic and stands head and shoulders above the numerous adaptations and other revivals. With opulent designs and jaw dropping performances, Funny Girl is a worthy addition to the Orpheumheater’s lineup, and a worthwhile way to spend an evening. 


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